How to Draw a G Wagon - Mercedes AMG G63 Step-by-Step Tutorial
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to draw a G Wagon, aka the Mercedes AMG G63.
I've explained every step in detail so you can easily follow along and create your own realistic G Wagon drawing.
So, let's get started!
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How to Draw a Mercedes G Wagon?
To create a realistic Mercedes G Wagon drawing, you'll first need to find a good reference photo. Next, you sketch the outline of the car. After that, you color the car, part by part until it is fully colored. And to finish it off, you add a few details with colored pencils and a few highlights with a white paint marker.
Step 1: Pick a Reference Photo of a G Wagon You Like
First, we need to look for a reference photo we're going to use to make this drawing.
I found this photo on Unsplash that I really like, so I'll be using this for this tutorial.
Step 2: Gather the Drawing Supplies You'll need
Next, we need to decide what drawing supplies we're going to use.
I chose to use alcohol markers as I wanted to keep this drawing relatively simple.
I used Winsor & Newton Promarkers in the colors Ice Grey 1 (IG1), Ice Grey 2 (IG2), Ice Grey 4 (IG4), Ice Grey 7 (IG7), Blue Black (XBB), and Black (XB). I also used the Colorless Blender.
I also used Derwent Chromaflow colored pencils in the colors White, Platinum, and Black to add some details.
And I used a white Posca PC-3M paint marker for some final highlights.
I also used a ruler, an HB pencil, an eraser, and a kneaded eraser.
I made this drawing on A4-sized Canson Illustration Manga paper.
Step 3: Sketch the Outline of the Mercedes G Wagon
Next up, it's time to sketch the G Wagon.
Sketching a car like this Mercedes G63 can be difficult.
Luckily there are a few techniques you can use to make this process a lot easier.
In this tutorial, I'll be using the grid technique as it is my favorite one.
If you don't know what this technique is or how you use it, I highly recommend you to read this article I wrote about how to use the grid method.
To use this technique, we first need to resize our reference photo to have the same size as our paper which is A4 in my case. Converting A4-sized paper to pixels results in 3508 by 2480 pixels which is the size we need to resize our photo to.
Next up, I added a grid of 15 by 10.5 squares on top of the photo.
After that, I recreated the grid on my paper. Each grid line is 2 cm apart starting from the top left of the paper.
Next, I started sketching the outline of the car.
I first picked a line on the outer edge of the car and marked where it starts, ends, and where it crosses grid lines. Then, I sketch the line in one quick motion.
I did this for each line on the outside of the car until I had sketched the whole outline.
After that, I added all the basic shapes and body lines using the same steps as before.
Then, I added all the details of the G Wagon.
Next up, I sketched the wheels.
I first marked the center and sketched the outer rim of the wheel.
Next, I sketched an ellipse around the center.
After that, I sketched the start of each of the spokes starting on the ellipse I just sketched. I made sure to point each spoke beginning in the right direction by looking carefully at the reference photo.
Then, I sketched a V-shape from the end of each of the beginnings of the spokes and connected those to the outer rim.
After that, I added some thickness to the spokes by adding a line to the left to almost each spoke.
Lastly, I sketched the brake disk and caliper.
After that, I repeated these steps for the rear wheel.
And now the sketch is all done!
Step 4: Color All Pure Black Parts of the G Wagon
Next up, I colored all the pure black parts of the G Wagon.
This makes coloring the rest of the Mercedes a lot easier in my opinion.
Before I started coloring the rest of the G Wagon, I first erased the sketch lines for each part so that they wouldn't show through the ink.
Step 5: Color the Wheels of the Mercedes AMG G63
After that, I colored both wheels with Ice Grey 7.
Step 6: Color the Shadow Below the Mercedes G Wagon
After that, I colored the shadow underneath the G63 with Ice Grey 1.
Then, I added darker parts to the shadow with Ice Grey 4.
Lastly, I blended the grey tones out by coloring over the border between the IG4 and the IG1 with Ice Grey 1.
And I blended the IG1 into the white of the paper by coloring over the edge with the Colorless Blender.
Step 7: Color the Front Bumper of the G Wagon
Next, I colored most of the front bumper with Ice Grey 7, leaving some parts uncolored as they will be lighter.
Then, I colored those lighter parts with Ice Grey 2 and I darkened most of the darker grey with the Blue Black marker.
Step 8: Color the Grill and the Headlights of the Mercedes G Wagon
After that, I colored the front grill and the headlights with Ice Grey 2.
Next, I used Ice Grey 4 to color the remainder plus the bottom half of the grill, the inside of the Mercedes logo, and the reflections on the lower half of the headlights.
Then, I used Ice Grey 7 to darken the lower half of the surrounding area around the grill and the headlights. I also colored the lower half of the grill and the reflections on the headlights.
Lastly, I used Blue Black to darken the bottom half of the grill surround again and I added some dark reflections in the right headlight.
Step 9: Color the Hood of the AMG G63
After that, I colored the whole hood with Ice Grey 2.
Then, I added the darker reflections with Ice Grey 4.
To finish it off, I used Ice Grey 7 and Blue Black to color the darkest deepest reflections.
Step 10: Color the Windshield of the Mercedes G Wagon
Next up is the windshield, but before I do that, I first darkened the bottom left of the tires with Blue Black.
Now the windshield.
I colored the door mirror and the side window with Ice Grey 2.
Next, I colored the rest with Ice Grey 7 as well as the bottom end right side of the mirror cap.
To finish it off, I used Blue Black to add a dark edge on the left, the top, the right, and the right half of the bottom.
Step 11: Color the Side of the G Wagon
Now all that's left to color is the side of the G Wagon.
I first colored the lightest parts and reflections with Ice Grey 2.
Next, I colored the rest of the side with Ice Grey 4, overlapping some of the lighter grey bits.
Lastly, I used Ice Grey 7 to color the darker grey reflections and parts.
And to finish it off, I used Blue Black to add just a few very dark reflections on the lower half of the side.
Step 12: Add Details to Your Mercedes G Wagon Drawing
Now the whole Mercedes G Wagon is colored, but it could do with some details as it has very little.
To do this, I used a white, grey, and black colored pencil.
I used the white pencil to add white highlights and reflections all over the car, but mainly on panel edges.
I used the grey pencils to add some details to the wheels and the spokes.
And I used the black pencil to add all the panel gaps and details around the side windows.
Step 13: Add Highlights to Your Mercedes AMG G63 Drawing
To finish this G Wagon drawing off, I added a bunch of pure white highlights all over the car. Again mainly on the edges of the body.
To do this I used my Posca PC-3M paint marker.
And now the Mercedes G Wagon drawing is done! And it looks pretty good!
And That's How You Draw a Realistic Mercedes G Wagon Step-by-Step
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