How to Draw a Mercedes AMG GT Black Series - Mercedes Benz AMG GT Drawing Tutorial

In this drawing tutorial, I'm going to show you how to draw the most extreme version of the Mercedes Benz AMG GT model series: the Mercedes AMG GT Black Series.

I did my best to explain everything in-depth so you can create your own Mercedes AMG GT drawing!

Let's get started!

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How Do You Draw a Mercedes AMG GT Black Series?

To make your own Mercedes AMG GT Black Series drawing, you first need to search for reference photos. When you've found one you like, you need to sketch the outline and the parts of the car one by one. After you've completed your sketch, you're going to color the car using markers (as this is the easiest). And lastly, you add a few details using a white, grey, and black colored pencil and you add a few highlights using a white paint marker.

1. Look For Reference Photos

The first thing I did was look for good reference photos.

I came across this beautiful photo of an AMG GT Black Series on Unsplash and decided that this was the one I was going to use.

2. Decide What Drawing Supplies to Use

Next, I chose what drawing supplies I would use.

I like to keep these drawing tutorials simple, so I used alcohol markers to color the drawing.

I used the Ohuhu Honolulu Markers in the colors Chrome Orange (YR170), Cadmium Orange (YR190), and Lipstick Orange (YR180). Get a 10% discount here.

I also used the Winsor & Newton Promarkers in the colors Ice Grey 1 (IG1), Ice Grey 2 (IG2), Ice Grey 4 (IG4), Ice Grey 7 (IG7), Blue Black (XBB), and Black (XB).

To add details to the drawing I used the White, Platinum, and Black Derwent Chromaflow colored pencils.

To add highlights to the drawing, I used a white Posca PC-3M paint marker.

I also used an HB graphite pencil, a ruler, a kneaded eraser (to lighten my sketch before coloring), and a regular eraser.

And I made this drawing on A4-sized Canson Illustration Manga paper.

3. Sketch the Outline of the Mercedes AMG GT Black Series

Now that we've gathered all the drawing supplies we'll need to create this drawing, it's time to sketch the car.

Sketching a car like the Mercedes AMG GT Black Series can be quite challenging, especially if this is one of your first car drawings.

To make sketching this car a bit easier, I'll be using the grid method. You can learn more about how to use this sketching technique here.

I started off by resizing the reference photo to the same size as my piece of paper, which is 29.7 by 21 cm or 3508 by 2480 pixels.

Next, I overlayed a grid of 15 by 10.5 squares on top of the photo and marked the squares that contained parts of the car in light blue.

With my grid overlay tool, you can easily add a grid overlay on your reference photo.

After that, I recreated the grid on my piece of paper. Each grid line is 2 cm apart starting from the top left.

Now that the grid is in place, it's time to sketch the AMG GT Black Series.

I started by sketching the outline first. This makes sketching all the parts and details of the car a lot easier.

I first chose a random line on the outside edge of the car. I marked where it starts and ends, and where it crosses grid lines. Then, I sketched that line in one quick motion.

I did this for every line on the outside of the car until the whole outline was finished.

4. Sketch the Details of the Mercedes Benz AMG GT

Now that the outline is in place, it's a lot easier to sketch the rest of the car.

I first sketched all the bigger and more important parts like the grill, the headlight, some of the body lines, the windows, etc.

After that, I added in all the smaller details.

Lastly, I sketched the wheels.

Sketching wheels can be a bit tricky, but for this AMG GT BS, it's not that difficult.

I started by sketching an ellipse for the outside of the rim and I marked where the center of the wheel is by sketching a small ellipse there.

Next, I carefully looked at the reference photo and marked where each spoke starts from the center and where it connects to the outside rim.

Then, I sketched all the spokes. All spokes curve to the left a bit except for the ones that are completely horizontal.

Lastly, I added some thickness to the spokes by adding a line to the left of each spoke and I added a curved line to the right half of the wheel.

After I had finished the front wheel, I repeated the same steps for the rear wheel.

5. Color All Black Parts of the AMG GT Black Series

After sketching the car, I like to color all the pure black parts first.

This makes the drawing look a lot simpler and makes coloring in the rest of the car easier.

6. Color the Shadow of the AMG GT

After that, I colored the shadow underneath the car.

I started by coloring the dark grey part with Ice grey 7.

Next, I added a lighter shadow edge around it with Ice Grey 2.

7. Color the Front Grill and the Splitter of the GT Black Series

Next up, I colored the Mercedes logo on the front grill with Ice Grey 2.

Then, I colored the rest of the grill and the front splitter with Ice Grey 7.

8. Color the Wheels of the AMG GT Black Series

Next, I colored the wheels with Ice Grey 7.

9. Color the Headlight of the Mercedes AMG GT

After that, I colored the headlight of the AMG GT.

I started by coloring the blinker light with Chrome Orange.

Next, I used Ice Grey 4 to color the rest of the headlight and to add some shading to the blinker light.

Lastly, I used Ice Grey 7 to shade the bottom half of the headlight and the middle and bottom of the blinker light.

10. Color the Air Vents on the Hood of the AMG GT Black Series

Next up, I used Ice Grey 7 to color the black/grey parts on the hood of the car around the air vents.

11. Color the Windshield and the Door Mirrors of the Mercedes AMG GT

Then, I colored the windshield of the AMG GT Black Series.

I first colored the side window with Ice grey 2.

After that, I used Ice Grey 7 to color the remainder of the windshield. I also colored the door mirrors with IG7.

12. Color the Rear Wing of the GT Black Series

Next up, I colored the wing with Ice Grey 7.

13. Color the Door Handle of the Mercedes Benz AMG GT

After that, I colored the door handle with Ice Grey 2.

Next, I added some shading to the bottom and top edges with Ice Grey 7.

14. Color the Side Skirt of the Mercedes AMG GT

Next, I colored the side skirt and the aero part above it with Ice Grey 7.

I left a little bit of the side skirt on the right uncolored.

Then, I used Ice Grey 4 to color that small part to the far right of the side skirt.

15. Color the Main Body of the Mercedes AMG GT Black Series

Now all grey and black parts are colored.

Well at least I thought so when drawing this car, but I forgot to color the roof...

If you don't want the roof to be orange, then first color the roof using Ice Grey 7.

Now all black and grey parts are done and we can move on to the main body of the car.

Before I started coloring it, I carefully erased all sketch lines and made them as light as possible.

Next, I used Chrome Orange to color the whole body of the car.

Next, I used Cadmium Orange to add some darker orange shading all over the car like in the reference photo.

Lastly, I used Lipstick Orange to add the darkest orange shadows on the body of the car.

I also used Blue Black to color over the wheels, the grill, the top and right edge of the windshield, the door mirrors, the hood, and parts of the splitter because they looked too light for me.

16. Add Details to Your Mercedes AMG GT Drawing

Now the car is fully colored, but it looks far from done. It's lacking a lot of the details.

To add all those details, I used a white, grey, and black colored pencil.

I used the white pencil to add highlights on panel edges and the grill. I also used it to draw the outer edge of the rim, a few bits of the spokes, and some details in the headlight.

I used the grey pencil to color all the spokes and other details in the wheels and tires

And I used the Black pencil to add the panel gaps.

17. Add Highlights to Your AMG GT Black Series Drawing

In the reference photo, the car has tons of white highlights which we haven't drawn yet.

To color all of those headlights I used the white Posca PC-3M paint marker.

I carefully looked at the highlights on the car in the reference photo and drew them on my drawing.

Now the car finally looks finished!

And That's How You Draw a Mercedes AMG GT Black Series

I hope you were able to follow along with me and were able to create your own realistic Mercedes Benz AMG GT Black Series drawing!

Let me know how it went!

Thank you for reading and following along with me!

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Hey there! I'm Luuk.

I love bringing cars to life with alcohol markers and colored pencils.

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