Alcohol Marker Tutorials

How to Use the Colorless Blender Marker - 7 Techniques

With most alcohol marker sets you get this marker called the colorless blender. Why would you even need that? Well, the colorless marker is actually quite handy to achieve some effects and textures. Plus, you can even use it to remove mistakes from your paper. Let me show you some ways you can use this colorless marker.

How to Achieve Perfect Blends Every Time - Alcohol Marker Blending Techniques

Blending alcohol markers is a technique used to create smooth color transitions in art. Overlap colors, use feathering strokes, or employ a colorless blender to create seamless transitions. For more intricate gradients, tip-to-tip blending or palette blending can be utilized. The key to successful blending is working quickly with the right paper and using transition colors for a polished finish. Let's get into the details and how you use these methods!

How to Use Alcohol Markers - A Beginner Guide

When I started using alcohol-based markers I Didn't know how to use them. I mean I had watched a few videos, but those were just about the bare minimum to get started. They were mainly just about coloring so that it doesn't look streaky. Everything else I learned by experimenting and just making drawings. I wish someone had made an extensive guide about how to use alcohol-based markers. So that's why I decided to write an article covering the ins and outs of using alcohol markers. I hope this will help you get started with alcohol markers!

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